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Navigating the Holidays: 6 Ways to Prioritize Flexibility and Consistency Over Perfection

It’s that time of the year again – the season of twinkling lights, cozy sweaters, and an undeniable urge to sample …

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Change Your Identity; Your Body Will Follow

I have been on this kick for a while – talking about the need to change your identity rather than just your habits if you want long lasting, healthy weight loss and …

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Healthy Habits to Start Your Transformation Journey Off Strong

You need strong, established healthy habits to ground you through a transformation …

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Curating An Everyday Wardrobe-Step 1 Declutter

I talked in the last Silver and Strong Newsletter about how to identify your style by using …

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How Drop Sets Can Fastrack Your Fitness Results

With so many ways to build muscle, it can be hard to choose the right training routine and get your …

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Protein Ice Cream Recipe!

While I do make this recipe with a Ninja Creami, you can make it in a blender as well as I note below, with only slightly …

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Community Member Spotlight: Meet Debbie Timm

My story is not that different from most women’s my age. I spent a lifetime yo-yo dieting. I tried every fad diet I could find. I lost and regained the same …

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Why Counting Macros Is Important At Any Age

Have you ever found yourself in the grocery aisle staring at a nutrition label wondering what all of those numbers actually …

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Transforming Your Health is an Inside Job

When we think about “getting healthy”, most people initially focus on their physical appearance to either lose weight or …

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Welcome To Silver and Strong

It’s interesting how my view of myself has changed over the years, in particular as it relates to how I see myself and my physical activities…

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