Welcome To Silver and Strong

My name is Ilene Block. I am the founder of Silver and Strong Fitness and the creator of this blog. The Silver and Strong website, my new blog and the upcoming podcast all grew out of my own search for information and community as I began a fitness transformation on my 61st birthday. As I learned about tracking macros (macronutrients – protein, fats, carbohydrates) instead of calories, the magic of lifting weights to build muscle (not just tone) and, for the first time, really taking an effective look at mindset issues, i.e. why I did or did not make certain decisions – I finally achieved the goal of having my outside match my inside! My “inside” woman has always been fierce, focused, determined, hard working and driven to achieve her goals. Prior to this last transformation journey, she had been successful in every area of her life except being able to control her weight.

Thanks to the knowledge and generosity of Michelle MacDonald, the founder of The Wonder Woman program, and her mother, Joan MacDonald, the original inspiration to so many women, who generously shared her own transformation journey, beginning in her 70th year, I am now living my best life in my 60’s – active, healthy, taking on new challenges and maintaining a fit, healthy body and body weight for over 2 years – for the first time in my adult life. As part of this new lifestyle, I am blessed to be part of a growing community of “midlife” women who have joined me in this quest to live our best lives at 50+ – the healthiest, most vibrant, most joyful and satisfying. The goal is to age in good health, with vitality and joy and this blog is here to support that goal.

“Why another blog?” you may ask. Aren’t there already a ton out there? The short answer is “yes, BUT”. There are a lots of blogs and other resources that discuss women’s health and fitness is some manner, but, based on my research, there is very little available (as in, basically nothing) that focuses on post-menopausal women that isn’t talking about some terrible malady women need to worry about at our age and at this stage in our lives. There is plenty of information about living a “healthy lifestyle”, but its all very basic and surface and just “ok.” So, if you are someone who wants to live a basic, just ok life, those options would work for you. If you are reading this blog, I am going to assume that you are saying “hell to the NO” “okay” is not enough! I am looking to thrive, not survive!

I am proud to be part of a growing number of women who are gathering together to say, We are not invisible. Our best lives are NOT behind us. We, as a community, have a lot of wisdom and experience to offer others and we have a lot of life left to live! We are diving in headfirst and taking on new challenges at 50+. We are getting comfortable at being uncomfortable when most people our age are doing the exact opposite. We are certainly older, but we are wiser, more self confident and have more time (and money) to focus on ourselves. There is no reason these post menopausal years can’t be the best of our lives.

So, while this blog will cover topics that you can likely find in other places – I doubt you will find our focus – which is what is of interest to that post menopausal woman who has the time, energy, focus and determination to put herself first, maybe for the first time, take on new challenges, get comfortable with being uncomfortable and live her best life in her 50’, 60s and beyond. If this describes you, welcome to the revolution! Our numbers are growing and we will change the way the world sees women age 🎉.

If you have questions, ideas for future topics you’d like to see covered, are a post menopausal woman who transformed her health and body after menopause and would like to be featured in a future blog post or newsletter, please email me info@silverandstrong.com

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