Fitness Mindset

Mindful Walking: A Simple Exercise Routine for Better Health

In the quest for wellness, the fusion of physical activity and mental tranquility often leads to the most profound health benefits. Mindful walking, a practice that combines the simplicity of walking with the focused awareness of mindfulness, stands out as an exemplary approach to achieve this blend. This technique transforms an everyday activity into a potent tool for enhancing both mental and physical health.

Understanding Mindful Walking

At its core, mindful walking is the practice of walking with heightened awareness. It involves a conscious focus on the physical sensations of walking, the rhythm of your breath, and the environment around you. Unlike standard walking, which often serves as a means to an end or is done absentmindedly, mindful walking is about being fully present in the moment. Each step is taken with deliberate awareness, turning the walk into a form of walking meditation.

Differentiating Mindful Walking from Ordinary Walking

Regular walking is typically goal-oriented, focused on physical exercise, reaching a destination, or as a mere transportation method. The mind is often elsewhere, wrapped up in the day’s worries or plans. In contrast, mindful walking slows down the pace and emphasizes internal and external awareness. This form of walking is less about cardiovascular intensity and more about connecting with the present moment, creating a harmonious balance between mind, body, and environment.

How is mindful walking related to meditation?

Mindful walking is akin to meditation, sharing its fundamental objective of cultivating mindfulness. Traditional meditation often involves a seated, still practice focusing on the breath or a specific thought. Mindful walking, however, adapts this concept into a dynamic form. It’s particularly beneficial for those who find sitting still challenging or prefer to incorporate mindfulness into an active lifestyle. This moving meditation allows for a focus on the rhythmic pattern of walking, engaging the mind in a gentle yet powerful exercise of awareness.

Deepening the Practice: The Four Steps of Mindful Walking

1. Initiating with Intention: The journey of mindful walking begins with setting an intention. This intention acts as an anchor, helping to maintain focus and presence throughout the walk. It’s about consciously deciding to be fully engaged in the experience, acknowledging the natural tendency of the mind to wander, and gently steering it back to the act of walking and observing.

2. Conscious Bodily Awareness: The second step involves a deep awareness of the body. It starts from the soles of the feet – feeling each contact with the ground, the lifting, the moving, and the placing down. This awareness then extends to the entire body, observing the harmonious movements of the limbs, the upright posture, and the synchronization of breath with each step. The focus on these physical sensations helps anchor the mind in the present moment, detaching it from the habitual stream of thoughts.

3. Engagement of the Senses: The third step is about opening up to the sensory experiences of the environment. This involves actively noticing the sights, sounds, and smells that usually go ignored. It’s about seeing the intricate patterns on leaves, hearing the distant chirping of birds, feeling the breeze against the skin, and inhaling the fresh air. This sensory engagement provides a rich backdrop for the practice, fostering a sense of being in the moment.

4. Reflective Conclusion: The final step is a moment of reflection and gratitude. It’s an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the peace and clarity the walk has provided. This reflection reinforces the positive experience, deepening the understanding and appreciation of mindful walking as a practice.

Scientific Foundations and Health Benefits

Mindful walking isn’t just a theoretical concept; it’s backed by science. A systematic review in the International Journal of Exercise Science shows that mindful walking helps improve mental and cardiovascular health. Another research piece in ‘The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine’ highlights how mindfulness exercises for anxiety, including mindful walking, have been effective in mitigating symptoms of anxiety. Additionally, research on walking meditation has shown it to be more effective in alleviating depression compared to traditional walking.

Beyond these, mindful walking offers a host of other benefits. It enhances mental clarity, reduces stress, improves mood, and increases overall well-being. For older adults, especially, it can be a safe and effective way to maintain physical health while also providing cognitive stimulation.

Mindful walking represents a unique intersection of meditation and physical exercise. Its simplicity makes it accessible to almost everyone, and its benefits extend far beyond the physical realm. Integrating mindful walking into your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in both mental and physical health, providing a peaceful escape from the demands of daily life and a path to deeper self-awareness and tranquility. As you embark on this journey, remember that each mindful step is a step towards greater health and harmony.

To Wrap It Up

Mindful walking is the perfect combo of staying active and finding inner peace. It’s like the superhero of wellness practices, merging the ease of a walk with the zen feels of mindfulness. Instead of mindlessly strolling from point A to B, mindful walking is about being present in the moment, soaking up your surroundings and turning each step into a kind of moving meditation. It’s the ultimate relaxation session for your mind, body, and the world around you. From setting an intention to reflecting on the journey, there are four easy steps to level up your mindful walking game. Studies show it’s not just good for the heart; it’s a mood booster and stress-buster too. If you’re looking for a laid-back way to stay active and well, mindful walking is the low-key hero you’ve been waiting for. Every step is a step closer to a happier, healthier you!


Learning To Appreciate Yourself At Any Size

As I share what I’ve learned and continue to learn on my own transformation journey, one of the things that is most important to me is to be authentic. That means I share the low points and struggles along with the highs and successes.

Getting up on stage in a Master Figure competition at 63 years young in November of 2022 was definitely a high point. Following that “high”, I had to purposely regain weight after spending 40 years trying to lose it! While I did that, very slowly, with the guidance of my coach, I ended up gaining about 15 lbs more than I initially planned.

As those of you who have followed me on Instagram for a while know, as I’ve written about this before, being in my current body has, at times, been a struggle. Even though I know for a fact that I am substantially stronger than I was when I got up on stage AND I’m 2 inches smaller around my waist and hips (and an inch smaller around the thigh), I found myself much more self critical of how my body looked. I had to really spend some time thinking about why I felt that way.

What I realized was that after spending decades chasing that elusive “skinny body”, to finally achieve it, even knowing intellectually that it is not sustainable if I want to be healthy, it was very hard to give up that vision and that reality! That is the emotional response to achieving this “unattainable” goal. The other side, the rational response, is knowing that “stage weight” is not sustainable if you want to have a healthy, strong body. I do want that and know its what is better for me, so I have made a point of focusing on the positives of this larger, stronger, healthier body.

I have now reached a point where I love that I am continuing to get stronger, that I get to eat about double the number of calories I ate, on average, for 4 DECADES, and have still maintained the lowest body weight I’ve maintained as an adult.

My point is this: a transformation is an ongoing process. Its both mental and physical and we continue to grow in both as long as we are open to change and to examining our limiting beliefs.

I can look at the picture above and finally acknowledge I look better now – I am in a healthier stronger body, and I am am grateful. We’ll see how my second cut goes when I start my prep to get back on stage on November to celebrate my 65th birthday. Stay tuned!

Fitness Member Spotlight Mindset Nutrition

Group Coaching Begins Soon

We are excited to announce that our first group coaching program will be coming soon. The size of the group is a limited group to ensure that everyone get the attention necessary to learn the skills and habits necessary to lose body fat, build muscle and most importantly, maintain a lower body weight. The long-term goal is to have every woman not only maintain a lower body weight, but do so while consuming more food than ever before to support a stronger, healthier body. Our goal is for every single client to age in good health, with strength, vitality and joy.

The program details are as follows:

Macro Nutrition

  • Customized weekly macros divided into meals in a manner to support your goals.
  • Monthly adjustments to your weekly macros as needed. [Six adjustments in macros through the program].
  • Weekly video group meeting, a portion of which will always include ongoing macro nutrition education.
  • Guidance on daily and weekly meal planning to hit your target macros, instruction on recipe creation that fit in your macros as well as strategies for social events.

Strength Training

  • A personalized strength training program that meets you at your abilities – from novice to experienced lifters, we can provide a personalized program for you, whether training at home or at a commercial gym.
  • Monthly adjustments to your training program, as needed, to meet your continual increase in strength and experience [Six adjustments/new programs every 4 weeks customized to your current level of experience/gains].


  • A weekly video group call where you can ask questions about any challenges/issues that arose during the last week at the beginning of the meeting.
  • All video calls will be hosted by a Silver and Strong coach and will cover topics of interest to the group covering the three main areas of the program: macros, strength training and mindset work.
  • A list of topics will be provided for every 4-week block and feedback will be requested after the first block to tailor the remaining group calls to the needs and desires of the group.
  • All video calls will be recorded for later viewing.


  • Private Facebook Group for group coaching clients to share successes, seek support for challenges, swap recipes and support each other’s journey to healthy, fit, vibrant life.
  • Monthly video call with all members of the Silver and Strong community. This call will often include a guest speaker (in many cases guests from the Silver and Strong podcast) and will cover various aspects of healthy aging, including topics on macro nutrition, strength training and mindset.
  • This is a community of your peers – women of like age and experience who have made the significant commitment to live a healthy lifestyle and are ready to celebrate your successes and provide support for the challenges you encounter along the way.

Program Cost: $1500 for 24 weeks; payable in 3 installments of $500 each.
If you are interested in applying for one of these limited spots, please email and we will send you an application.


Creating a Relaxing Bedtime Routine for Better Sleep After 50

Sleep.. Who has time for it anymore really? Achieving restful sleep is a challenge many face, particularly as they cross the age of 50. In an era where life rarely slows down, the importance of a relaxing bedtime routine becomes paramount for ensuring quality sleep. Research published in Sleep Medicine Clinics suggests that up to 50% of older persons suffer from insomnia, underscoring the need for effective sleep strategies.

The Essence of a Bedtime Routine

A night routine is more than a series of activities; it’s a signal to the body that it’s time to transition into rest. This transition is especially vital for those over 50, as the body’s natural production of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin declines with age. According to a study featured in Neuro Endocrinology Letters, older individuals show significantly lower melatonin levels, making a structured nighttime routine a key compensatory measure.

Crafting an Effective Routine

Creating an effective bedtime routine involves integrating activities that foster relaxation and signal to the body that it’s time to wind down. As evening falls, reducing the intensity of household lighting can stimulate melatonin production, making it easier to fall asleep for a good night’s rest. This also means avoiding the glare of screens from smartphones or televisions, which are known to disrupt sleep cycles.

Engaging with screens before bedtime can significantly impact sleep quality and duration. The blue light emitted by electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Exposure to artificial light in the evening confuses the body’s natural circadian rhythm, signaling to the brain that it is still daytime and delaying the onset of sleep. Additionally, the stimulating content often found on screens, such as social media updates or intense gaming, can activate the mind and make it more difficult to unwind. The combination of disrupted melatonin production and heightened mental arousal can lead to difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, and overall sleep disturbances. To optimize sleep hygiene, experts recommend minimizing screen time at least an hour before bedtime and creating a conducive environment for relaxation, fostering a smoother transition into a restful night’s sleep.

Incorporating relaxation techniques forms another cornerstone of a good routine. Activities like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching can alleviate the day’s stress and anxiety, common culprits of sleep disturbances. Engaging in calming pre-sleep rituals such as reading, listening to soft music, or indulging in a warm bath can further enhance this sense of tranquility. Adopting these healthy habits before bedtime fosters a sense of calm and contributes to a deeper and more restorative sleep.

Consistency is key in a bedtime routine. Going to bed and rising at the same time each day, including weekends, reinforces the body’s sleep-wake cycle, improving sleep quality over time and positively impacting metabolism.

The sleeping environment is just as important; a comfortable, cool, quiet, and dark bedroom is conducive to uninterrupted sleep.

Timing the Wind Down

The ideal time to commence the wind-down process varies, but generally, a period of 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime is recommended. This duration aligns with findings from the Journal of Applied Physiology, which notes that engaging in stimulating activities up to an hour before bed can significantly delay sleep onset. Providing this buffer allows the mind and body to shift gears from the day’s activities to a restful state.

The Ideal Sleeping Routine

While personal preferences play a role in defining the best sleeping routine, certain practices have universal benefits. Avoiding caffeine and heavy meals in the evening can prevent disruptions to the sleep cycle and physical discomfort during the night. Similarly, moderating fluid intake a few hours before bed reduces the likelihood of nighttime awakenings. Medications, too, play a role in sleep quality; being mindful of their timing and side effects, in consultation with healthcare providers, can prevent potential sleep interference.

In conclusion, developing a relaxing bedtime routine is a critical component of achieving restful sleep, especially in the later stages of life. This routine is more than a habit; it’s a comprehensive approach that involves preparing both the environment and oneself for sleep. By understanding and implementing these strategies, individuals over 50 can enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep: rejuvenation, health, and vitality.

To Wrap It Up

Achieving restful sleep, particularly after the age of 50, is a prevalent challenge in today’s fast-paced life. A structured bedtime routine is a signal to the body to transition into rest, addressing the decline in melatonin production with age. Crafting an effective routine involves activities promoting relaxation, reducing household lighting, avoiding screen glare, and incorporating relaxation techniques. Consistency in bedtime, creating an optimal sleeping environment, and timing the wind-down process are key components for achieving a better night sleep. A few tweaks to our daily routine such as avoiding caffeine and heavy meals in the evening, moderating fluid intake, and considering medication effects can enhance sleep quality. Developing a relaxing bedtime routine can enhance the quality of life in those over 50, including rejuvenation, health, and vitality.


Embrace Positivity: A Guide to Setting a Positive Mindset in Your 50s and Beyond

As we journey past the age of 50, embracing these next decades can be both a challenge and an opportunity. Society often paints a picture of aging as a downhill slope, but it doesn’t have to be so. Cultivating a positive mindset after 50 is not just beneficial; it’s essential for a vibrant, fulfilling life.

1. Develop a More Positive Attitude Towards Aging

Aging, often perceived as a loss of youth and vigor, can instead be a period of unparalleled growth and wisdom. The first step in developing a positive attitude towards aging is to recognize and embrace the unique strengths it brings. A study by the American Psychological Association found that older adults often show improved emotional well-being and are more adept at managing social conflicts compared to their younger counterparts. This emotional intelligence is a powerful tool in reframing the narrative around aging.

There are many things we can do to increase positivity such as celebrating birthday milestones and embracing each year as an achievement. We can appreciate the wisdom gained over the years, having more time to spend on ourselves after years of taking care of others. We can cultivate a sense of purpose by engaging in activities that are meaningful and fulfilling and surrounding ourselves with positive influences, including friends who uplift and inspire and share our passions.

2. Change Your Mindset from Negative to Positive

The transformation of mindset from negative to positive begins with mindfulness. A Harvard study suggests that mindfulness meditation helps in reducing stress and anxiety, common barriers to positive thinking. Simple practices like keeping a daily gratitude journal or engaging in positive self-talk can significantly alter one’s outlook. The key is consistency and the willingness to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Starting the day with five minutes of gratitude meditation is a great way to move towards a positive mindset.

Transitioning from a negative to a positive mindset involves recognizing and altering deeply ingrained thought patterns. Seeking out inspirational stories of other women who have thrived in their later years could help you learn to train your mindset to focus on the positive. Another thing you can do is focus on the solutions rather than problems, which helps develop a proactive and positive approach to challenges.

3. Make Aging a Positive Experience

To make aging a positive experience, it’s crucial to focus on what can be gained rather than lost. The National Council on Aging reports that adults over 55 who engage in regular physical and social activities demonstrate higher levels of happiness and a lower tendency for depression. Finding joy in small things, pursuing hobbies, and connecting with like-minded individuals can transform the aging experience into a journey of self-discovery and joy.

Making aging a positive experience is about embracing the changes and finding joy in the journey. Women can:

  • Prioritize self-care, including mental, emotional, and physical wellness.
  • Explore new hobbies or revisit past interests, fostering a sense of excitement and curiosity.
  • Establish a strong support network of friends and family who encourage and support their endeavors.
  • Volunteer or engage in community service, which can provide a sense of contribution and connection.
  • Embrace lifelong learning, whether it’s through formal education, workshops, or self-study, to keep the mind active and engaged.

4. Change Your Mindset About Aging

Changing your mindset about aging involves a conscious decision to challenge societal stereotypes. Embrace your age as a badge of honor and a reservoir of experiences and wisdom. Remember, your mindset influences not just your emotional well-being but also your physical health. According to research published by the American Psychological Association, a positive attitude towards aging is associated with a longer lifespan. Combine that with regular exercise and you have a winning combination.

5. Incorporate Practical Strategies

Incorporating practical strategies into our lives to help set a positive mindset doesn’t have to be hard. There are many things we can do including:

Engage in Lifelong Learning: Always be open to learning new skills or hobbies. This keeps the mind active and provides a sense of accomplishment and purpose. This is a time in your life where you can focus on YOU. Is there a hobby of skill you’ve always wanted to try but for whatever reason, you never had the time? Now is your time to focus on you and take on that skill or hobby you’ve always wanted to try.

Stay Physically Active: Regular exercise is not only good for the body but also for the mind. It enhances mood and energy levels, contributing to a more positive outlook on life.

Cultivate Social Connections: Building and maintaining strong social ties is crucial for emotional support and mental health. Whether it’s family, friends, or community groups, staying connected is key.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices help stay grounded and live in the moment, reducing worries about the future or regrets about the past.

Seek Inspirational Stories: Look for stories of women who have flourished in their later years. These narratives can provide motivation and a sense of possibility.

To Wrap It Up

Embracing age with a positive mindset is not just about feeling good; it’s about creating a life that is rich in experiences, learning, and connections. It’s about redefining what it means to grow older and showing the world that the years after 50 can be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling. Remember, maintaining a positive mind after 50 is not just a choice but a celebration of the wisdom and strength that comes with age.

Fitness Mindset

How to Boost Your Metabolism After 50: 5 Proven Strategies

Welcome to the fabulous 50s – a time when embracing health and vitality becomes more crucial than ever. If you’ve been wondering, “Can I speed up my metabolism at this age?” you’re in the right place. The answer is a resounding yes, and the key lies in understanding and adapting to the changes your body goes through. Let’s dive deeper into the five proven ways to increase metabolism after 50.

1. Embrace Muscle-Strengthening Workouts

Strength training is vital at this stage of life. It’s a powerful tool to counteract the natural loss of muscle mass that occurs with aging – a phenomenon known as sarcopenia. Studies show that adults lose 3-8% of their muscle mass per decade after age 30, and this rate accelerates after 60 (Source: J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, 2010). By incorporating weight lifting exercises into your routine, you’re not just sculpting your body; you’re also boosting your resting metabolic rate (RMR) because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, even when you’re not actively exercising. Acknowledging these benefits and the complexities of age-related muscle loss, a well-designed strength training routine can be incredibly effective. To get started with such a program, explore our strength training coaching services that offer the necessary guidance and support.

Tips for Effective Strength Training:
Start with two sessions per week and gradually increase.
Focus on major muscle groups – legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms.
Use weights that are challenging but allow you to complete sets with good form.
Include squats, push-ups, and lunges in your body weight workout plan.

2. Prioritize Protein

The role of protein in metabolism is twofold: it helps build and maintain muscle mass, and it requires more energy for digestion compared to fats and carbohydrates – a concept known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, TEF for protein is approximately 15-30%, compared to 5-10% for carbs and 0-3% for fats. Thus, increasing protein intake can increase body metabolism rate, reduce appetite, and help you reach your health and fitness goals more effectively. For guidance on how to tailor your protein intake to your individual needs, our nutritional coaching sessions can provide you with personalized advice and support

Protein-Rich Foods to Include:
Lean meats, poultry, and fish.
Plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, and tofu.
Low-fat dairy products like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.

3. Spice Up Your Life

Certain foods and spices can temporarily boost your metabolism. For instance, capsaicin, found in chili peppers, has been shown to boost metabolism by increasing the number of calories your body burns. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that capsaicin could increase calorie burning by 50 calories per day. Green tea and coffee also enhance metabolism due to their caffeine content and antioxidants like catechins.

Metabolism-Boosting Additions:
Include a sprinkle of cayenne pepper or chili flakes in meals.
Drink green tea regularly; it’s rich in catechins.
Enjoy a moderate amount of coffee, but be mindful of caffeine intake later in the day.

4. Hydrate Wisely

Hydration plays a crucial role in metabolic function. Water can temporarily boost metabolism, and drinking it before meals can lead to reduced calorie intake. A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30% within 10-40 minutes after consumption. Additionally, replacing sugary drinks with water reduces calorie intake and the risk of weight gain.

Hydration Tips:
Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Drink a glass of water before meals.
Infuse water with lemon, cucumber, or berries for flavor.

5. Sleep Like a Baby

Sleep has a profound impact on metabolic health. Poor sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, leading to increased hunger and potential weight gain. Research indicates that those who sleep less than six hours per night are nearly 30% more likely to become obese than those who sleep seven to nine hours (Source: National Sleep Foundation). Prioritizing sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Tips for Better Sleep:

Establish a relaxing bedtime routine.
Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool.
Avoid screens and stimulants close to bedtime.

Addressing Common Concerns

Kickstarting Metabolism in Your 50s
Start with incremental lifestyle changes. Increase physical activity, add a strength training program to your routine, and focus on a balanced diet rich in proteins and fiber. Every small step contributes to a revved-up metabolism.

Foods to Speed Up Metabolism
Incorporate foods like green tea, chili peppers, whole grains, lean proteins, and omega-3-rich fish into your diet. These foods can aid in boosting your metabolic rate and improving overall health.

Metabolism After Menopause
Post-menopause, focus on strength training, balanced nutrition, and stress management. Adapt your lifestyle to include activities like yoga, which can help reduce stress and maintain metabolic health.

Wrapping It Up

Revitalizing your metabolism after 50 is an empowering journey. It’s about embracing change, making informed choices, and celebrating the strength and wisdom that come with age. Remember, age is just a number, and with these strategies, you’re not just getting older – you’re getting stronger, healthier, and more vibrant. Welcome to a new chapter of life where being over 50 means being at your best!

Fitness Mindset Nutrition

The Silver and Strong Podcast: Revolutionizing Wellness for Post-Menopausal Women

I am so excited to announce that I am embarking on a new and exciting venture. The Silver and Strong podcast is launching this month and is set to redefine and focus the conversation on health and fitness for post-menopausal women.

Why did I launch this podcast? The answer is simple – there’s a void that needed filling. In a landscape inundated with health-focused content, I noticed a glaring omission: a dedicated platform for post-menopausal women seeking guidance on healthy aging. While many issues related to aging in midlife are common for women in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, certain issues are specific to being post-menopausal. Thus, this podcast was born, aimed at addressing the specific needs and aspirations of women navigating this transformative phase of life.

Diversity in Discourse: This podcast sets itself apart by offering a diverse range of topics that resonate with post-menopausal women. From macro nutrition to strength training, lifting weights for the first time at 50+, to addressing aging skin concerns, to pushing societal-defined, age-related boundaries – we cover it all. Each episode brings forth experts in their respective fields, providing practical insights tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities that come with aging.

Embracing Transformation: One key motivation behind this podcast is the recognition that the post-menopausal journey is a time of profound transformation. We aim to inspire and guide our listeners through this process, debunking myths and fostering a positive outlook as we age. With episodes dedicated to mindset work, we delve into strategies to push past barriers, encouraging our audience to not just navigate, but thrive in this stage of life.

Empowering Strength and Confidence: For those contemplating taking their strength training to new levels or those considering lifting weights for the first time at 50+, our podcast will be an invaluable resource. We demystify these fitness pursuits, offering expert advice and real-life stories to inspire and educate the listeners. The goal is to empower women to embrace physical challenges as they age, fostering a sense of accomplishment and newfound strength after menopause.

Mastering the Art of Aging Gracefully: Beyond the physical aspects, our podcast addresses the holistic nature of healthy aging. We explore the intersection of nutrition, exercise and mindset work and many tangential topics to provide a comprehensive guide for post-menopausal women. We start the podcast off by featuring two amazing women who have excelled in bodybuilding contests at 60+ and are prime examples of women who showcase the limitless potential for personal growth and achievement in this phase of life.

A Journey Beyond Stereotypes: This podcast will shatter stereotypes surrounding aging, encouraging our audience to redefine what’s possible. Through engaging conversations and expert insights, we challenge preconceived notions of what is possible for post-menopausal women. We encourage a shift in perspective, illustrating that life after menopause is a chapter brimming with opportunity and vitality.

In essence, our podcast isn’t just a series of episodes; it’s a revolution dedicated to celebrating and elevating post-menopausal women. We invite you to join us on this empowering journey of discovery, where we unravel the secrets to healthy aging, push boundaries, and redefine what it means to thrive in this time of life.

Please tune in as we discuss how you our post-menopausal years can become your most vibrant and empowered chapter yet.

Fitness Mindset Nutrition

Silver and Strong Transformation Coaching Has a Spot For You!

I am so excited to announce that the Silver and Strong Transformation coaching program is alive and accepting clients. We are thrilled to bring our macros, muscles and mindset approach to you and use it to help you lose weight, gain muscle, find and overcome your mental blocks and age in good health, with joy and vitality.

I’ve written the article below to answer some questions you may be pondering as you decide if hiring an online coach is the right move for you. At the end of the article is a link to the Silver and Strong Client application as our Information Sheet for our program.

Is today the day you decide to make your health and fitness a priority? Please read further if you have yet to decide.

Unlocking Your Best Self: The Power of Hiring an Online Transformation Coach

In the journey toward a healthier and more vibrant life, reaching your fitness goals can be a transformative experience, especially for women aged 50 and above. While the path to weight loss, strength gain, and overall well-being may seem daunting, hiring an online coach can make all the difference. The Silver and Strong coaches have all gone through the experience you are contemplating and are here to help you make the transition to live your healthiest life as you age.

Here are the top 3 reasons why women should consider this empowering choice:

1. Personalized Guidance Tailored to Your Unique Needs: Women over 50 often face distinct challenges in weight loss and muscle gain. A skilled online coach understands these nuances. We craft a personalized program that considers factors like hormonal changes, metabolism shifts and joint health. We will guide you through exercises that promote strength without strain, creating a fitness plan uniquely tailored to your body’s requirements.

2. Accountability for Consistent Progress: One common obstacle in achieving fitness goals is maintaining consistency. Fears of slipping into old habits or doubts about progress can hinder success. Your coach (and the community of other Silver and Strong clients) will provide the steady support and accountability needed to overcome these fears. Regular check-ins, goal assessments, and progress tracking create a structured framework, keeping you motivated and on track toward your objectives.

3. Holistic Approach for Lasting Results: Weight loss and muscle gain aren’t just about the physical aspect; they encompass mental and emotional well-being too. We will address mindset, stress management, and overall lifestyle challenges that may be preventing you from achieving sustainable success. By adopting this holistic approach, we will help you develop sustainable habits, ensuring that your newfound health extends beyond the initial transformation, creating a foundation for aging in good health.

That all sounds great, but you are still hesitating. Maybe one the fears discussed below is keeping you from acting. Please read on:

1. Fear of the Unknown: Embarking on a fitness journey, especially with an online coach as opposed to someone you see in person, can be intimidating. This is likely a new process for you, but one of our mantras here at Silver and Strong Fitness is “get comfortable with being uncomfortable” if you really want to make changes. Starting a new, unfamiliar program is a great introduction to this concept.

2. Fear of Ineffectiveness: You may have doubts about whether this program will work for you. You’ve already tried every diet program under the sun and none of those provided last results, right? Guess what? I guarantee you I tried as many, if not more. This program works, IF you follow it and commit the time and effort it takes to make the necessary mindset and lifestyle changes you must make for lasting results.

3. Fear of Judgment: You may worry that you will be judged for your current fitness level or past attempts to lose weight and get in shape, or you may be embarrassed about your current weight/fitness level. Again, all of the Silver and Strong coaches have walked this path and understand the embarrassment of how we feel about ourselves when we started our transformation. Please don’t let your fear of not meeting expectations or feeling out of place stop you from applying for this life changing program.

If you are willing to put in the work, the following can be yours:

1. Confidence in Your Body: You want to feel confident in your body, appreciating the changes you’re making. You will end up with a positive self-image, celebrating your journey and newfound strength.

2. Sustainable Weight Loss and Muscle Gain: At our age, we know that “immediate results” are not real and not sustainable. What you’re looking for is slow and steady progress with sustainable results that this program delivers. If you put in the work, you will lose weight and gain muscle in a way that is maintainable for the long-term, which ensures that your efforts lead to lasting health improvements.

3. Improved Overall Well-being: This program will enhance your quality of life—more strength, more energy, better sleep and reduced stress. The results you will achieve are not just a physical transformation, but an overall sense of well-being that extends to all aspects of your daily life.

Becoming part of the Silver and Strong transformation community can be the catalyst you are looking for in order to achieve that long sought goal of sustainable weight loss, building a stronger body, better mobility and heathy aging. Through personalized guidance, consistent accountability, and a holistic approach, we will empower you to understand and overcome your fears, embrace positive change, and embark on a journey toward a healthier, stronger and more fulfilling life.

If this sounds good to you, please download our application and information sheet, and, upon completion, email the completed application to

Its not too late. You are not too old. Its your time to make YOU a priority!


Ring in this Winter Season with 3 Macro Friendly Recipes

‘Tis the season for joy, laughter, and a bit of indulgence but that doesn’t mean waving goodbye to your fitness goals. With a macro-friendly mindset, you can savor the holiday spirit without compromising on your fitness and nutrition goals. One delightful way to stay on track is by incorporating a few creative twists on holiday classics. These macro friendly recipes are perfect whether you’re hosting a gathering, attending as a guest, or simply enjoying a cozy stay-at-home celebration. They offer a balance of macros – proteins, carbs, and fats – to keep your meals nutritious yet festive. Enjoy these treats as you celebrate the season without stressing over your diet and guilt-free.

High-Protein Holiday Eggnog

This macro recipe updates the classic holiday eggnog  with a protein boost for a festive yet healthy treat.


– 2 cups unsweetened almond milk

– 2 eggs (if you want to keep tradition)

– 1 scoop Clean Simple Eats vanilla protein powder

– 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

– 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

– 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

– 1-2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste)

– Optional: 1-2 ounces bourbon, rum or a non-alcoholic alternative for a festive touch


  1. In a blender, combine the almond milk, vanilla protein powder, vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sweetener.
  2. Blend until smooth and well combined.
  3. Taste and adjust sweetness if necessary.
  4. If adding alcohol, stir it in at this point.
  5. Refrigerate for at least an hour to chill and allow the flavors to meld.
  6. Before serving, give it a good stir, and sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg on top for garnish.

Zucchini Latkes

This quick and macro friendly meal offers a lighter twist on the traditional potato-based dish, making them a delicious addition to your celebration in just five minutes.


– 2 medium zucchinis, grated

– 1/4 cup whole wheat flour (or almond flour for a gluten-free option)

– 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

– 1/4 cup finely chopped onion

– 1 egg, beaten

– 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

– Salt and pepper to taste

– Cooking spray or olive oil for pan-frying

– Greek yogurt or applesauce for dipping (optional)


  1. Grate the zucchinis and squeeze out excess moisture using a clean kitchen towel.
  2. In a bowl, combine the grated zucchinis, whole wheat flour, Parmesan cheese, chopped onion, beaten egg, baking powder, salt, and pepper. Mix until well combined.
  3. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and lightly coat it with cooking spray or olive oil.
  4. Spoon the zucchini mixture onto the skillet, forming small latkes. Flatten each with a spatula.
  5. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown and crispy.
  6. Transfer the latkes to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess oil.
  7. Serve immediately with a side of Greek yogurt and unsweetened applesauce for dipping, if desired.

Speedy Quinoa Salad with Pomegranate and Walnuts

This versatile and easy to make quinoa salad is not only delicious but is also packed with nutrient-dense ingredients and a festive touch of pomegranate. This one is sure to please even the pickiest of palates!


– 1 cup pre-cooked quinoa (room temperature or chilled)

– 1/2 cup pomegranate arils

– 1/4 cup chopped walnuts (toasted or raw)

– 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese or gorgonzola (optional)

– 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint

– 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

– 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

– Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a bowl, combine cooked quinoa, pomegranate arils, chopped walnuts, feta cheese (if using), and fresh mint.
  2. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the mixture./li>
  3. Toss everything together until well combined.
  4. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve this delightful and colorful quinoa salad as a quick, macro-friendly holiday dish that accommodates various dietary preferences.

Toasted Walnuts (Optional):

Heat a medium sized skillet over medium heat. Add your walnuts to the pan and toast for about 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Make sure not to step away so the walnuts don’t burn.


If you don’t have access to pre-cooked quinoa, making it at home yourself is super easy to do and only takes about 15 minutes.
Rinse 1 cup of dry quinoa and add to a 4 quart saucepan with 2 cups of water or your preferred broth or stock. Bring to a boil over medium high heat, then reduce to a simmer and cover for 10-20 minutes or until the quinoa has absorbed all of the liquid. Remove the saucepan from the heat and keep covered for 5 minutes. Fluff the cooked quinoa with a fork, season to taste and let cool to room temperature or chill in the fridge if serving cold on the salad.

Wrapping Up Your Holiday Nutrition

These macro friendly indulgences will not only satisfy your holiday cravings but also provide easy ways to keep you on track so you can relax and enjoy your plans (or non-plans) knowing that your nutrition is taken care of.

Small tweaks really can make a big difference in your celebrations. So, as you navigate through the festivities, remember that you can savor the season while staying active and fit.

Wishing you a happy and macro-friendly holiday season! 🌟


What Is Your Word For 2024?

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, but a dear friend gave me a great idea for beginning a new year. She told me she chose a word that would define what 2024 was going to be for her. Her word was “gutsy” and she is that and more. I had a word come to me before she even finished the sentence. That word was EMERGE.

I have big plans for 2024. I am finally leaving the career I chose 4 decades ago to make my father happy, and while I have enjoyed this career, it was never what I wanted for myself. To be fair, I had no idea what I wanted to be “when I grew up” at 22 when I graduated from college, so I went to law school to make my dad happy (after saying “no” to med school, which would have made him REALLY happy!).

I didn’t figure out what I wanted to be “when I grew up” until I was 55 and was, ironically in a coaching group focused on how to be the best attorney I could be. As we talked about our purpose in life and what we’d do if there were no limitations on money or time or experience, I realized what I really wanted to do was help people get fit and healthy in a tropical location (at the time I was thinking of Bali). I even took the time to look into going back to school. My undergraduate degree is in accounting and finance (again – dad’s suggestion). I realize now my view of what type of education would be necessary to fulfill that dream was very narrow – I looked at what it would take to get a 4-year degree in exercise physiology and nutrition and determined that by the time I finished school, it would be time to retire. So, I focused on being the best lawyer I could be.

Fast-forward 6 years to when I started my own tranformation journey. I learned about the concept of counting macros (instead of calories) and the difference between fueling your body to grow muscle and/or lose fat versus eating as little as possible to try to be skinny while killing yourself with cardio. I learned about the numerous, excellent certifications that were available to educate myself further about macros, building muscle, weight training and transformation coaching. Imagine my delight when I realized that my life’s dream of coaching people to be strong and healthy from a tropical paradise had NOT passed me by and was, in fact, within reach!

I am nothing if not a methodical planner and so I put a plan in place to transition from my career as a corporate attorney into a career as a transformation coach with a focus on post-menopausal women. That doesn’t mean I won’t coach younger women (I’m happy to do so), but I believe my own experience of achieving a fit, healthy, strong body as a post-menopausal women makes me well qualified to coach other women like me – women who survived menopause and came out the other side but found themselves dissatisfied with how their body looked, their lack of energy and the state of their overall health and fitness.

2024 is the year I will EMERGE from a career I enjoyed but did not light up my soul like transformation coaching does. That may sound melodramatic, but it is nevertheless true. Helping other women live their very best lives at 50+ brings me such satisfaction and joy that it’s hard to put into words.

I am so very grateful to have an opportunity, at 65 years young, to fulfill that desire to embark on the career that I always wanted. This tremendous gift is not lost on me, and I will do everything in my power to help women who are willing to do the work to get healthy, fit and strong and greet every day with joy and vitality.

2024 is my year to EMERGE and be my truest self. Take some time and give it some thought. What is your word for 2024? Feel free to drop me a DM on instagram @silverandstrong or an email at I’d love to hear what your word for 2024 will be.